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No slippery slope

Felons are, generally, prohibited from possessing arms. Obviously, the next logical extension of that plan is to prohibit possession of arms by those who commit certain misdemeanors.

8 Responses to “No slippery slope”

  1. Hartley Says:

    I’m sure that folks who have committed the misdemeanor of criticizing the government or politicians will be first in line to have their rights removed..

  2. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Parking tickets! Parking tickets! We want to prohibit private firearms ownership for people who get parking tickets! And even if they don’t.”

  3. Huck Says:

    “People who commit these types of crimes have already demonstrated bad judgment, and this ordinance gives us one more tool to keep guns out of their hands and off the streets of Los Angeles,” she said.

    And it’ll only criminalize honest people with no effect on the gangs whatsoever. Typically libtard.

  4. Magus Says:

    I know that somebody at some time already covered this. Oh yeah…

    There is no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.–Ayn Rand

  5. comatus Says:

    Lautenberg Amendment rules include all the special “domestic dispute” misdemeanors as gun-stoppers. Legislators do not have the gumption to raise these crimes to felony status, so they redefine felony down. Many argued against those laws in the first place, since a spouse assaulting the other spouse in their shared home was already a crime, but the argument went something like “What could it hurt”?

    It had an effect on police assignments.

  6. Overload in CO Says:

    From the article:
    “…bars possession of a gun for 10 years if convicted of certain crimes, including assault, illegal weapons sales or threatening a public official or a witness.”

    These are misdemeanors?

    Or, is it only these:
    “carrying a concealed weapon, possession of an assault weapon, burglary and misdemeanor gang crimes.”?

  7. JJR Says:

    Isn’t this another case of a locality pre-empting State Law yet again? I know, it’s California and all, but still, what makes LA think that what they’re proposing is remotely constitutional, even by crappy California standards?

  8. Xrlq Says:

    What JJR said. This appears to be a blatant violation of California’s preemption law.

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