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Gangs and Crime

ABC News:

“Criminal gangs commit as much as 80 percent of the crime in many communities, according to law enforcement officials throughout the nation,” the report notes as part of its key findings. “Typical gang-related crimes include alien smuggling, armed robbery, assault, auto theft, drug trafficking, extortion, fraud, home invasions, identity theft, murder and weapons trafficking.”

So, 0.3125% of the population is responsible for 80% of crimes?

7 Responses to “Gangs and Crime”

  1. Vote For David Says:

    Yes. And you are not allowed to say that most of them are black.

  2. _Jon Says:

    I’ve long said that two of the primary responsibilities of Government are:
    – Protection from foreign invasion
    – Protection from organize crime
    – Prevention of monopolies

    Seems they are failing on 3 of the 3….

  3. emdfl Says:

    Careful there guys. Y’all are treading close to That-Which-Is-Not-Allowed-To-Be-Mentioned, namely the racial make-up of much of our crimnal class.

  4. Robert Says:

    Pretty hedgey. “As much as, 80%, some communities….

    And in others, not so much.

    Plus it’s un-named LEO organizations “throughout the nation.” They wouldn’t lie, unless it was just out of habit or they needed to.

    Puff and fluff. Someone planted this though, for a political reason.

  5. Joe_m Says:

    “The FBI has, in the past, investigated gangs as criminal enterprises,” Mueller said. “Our traditional approach has been to target their leadership and dismantle them from the top down. But the increase in gang violence called for a non-traditional approach. It is not enough to just gather intelligence about the violent offenders. We have to interrupt that violence.”

    Umm, interupt the violence? How, exactly, is that possible? I hate feeling like my tinfoil beanie is on too tight, but what are they suggesting, arresting people who are “at risk” for committing crimes, before they can?

  6. David Says:

    Hmm. Three percent of the population, eh? Where have we heard that before?

  7. Tom Says:

    actually the number is much smaller. It can be directly attributed to 535+9+1+ a handful of appointed aides.

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