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More on the Commercial Appeal

Rich writes a letter regarding the CA’s lame defense for publishing the names of handgun carry permit holders:

Second, your defense failed to note that you removed addresses and birth dates only after you were deluged in complaints.

And then there’s this:

News events like the Feb. 6 shooting at Trinity Commons shopping center led many people to wonder, logically and instantly, who else might be packing a gun. At the point of that shooting, the online list of who is licensed to carry a concealed weapon became a matter of deep public interest. That’s why, during the past week, thousands of people looked at the list that had been sitting mostly unnoticed on the Web site for two months.

Actually, you’re wrong. What happened was some cracker drew some attention to it after a reader informed said cracker of it. But whatever floats your boat.

4 Responses to “More on the Commercial Appeal”

  1. N.U.G.U.N. Says:

    I received a similar response to my letter. I’ve posted the response (along with a few comments of mine) at my blog here…

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Yeah, they’ve been fed a mouthful of divot.

  3. Linoge Says:

    Misdirection, obfuscation, and intentional misinformation seems to be the Commercial Appeal’s stock and trade.

  4. Linoge Says:

    And, in an almost predictably malicious move, the Commercial Appeal went and updated their database today.

    Fraking wonderful.

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