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ATF gets $10,000,000 from the stimulus bill to keep guns out of Mexico.

5 Responses to “Stimulated”

  1. karrde Says:

    Let’s see…would a fence help?

  2. Chas Says:

    A ten-million dollar tampon for Mexico paid for with US tax dollars.

  3. Chas Says:

    If this Stimulus doesn’t work, it’s going to bite Wacky Baracky on the ass like a crazed chimp.

    “…and most of his fingers and buttocks were devoured.”

  4. Alcibiades Says:

    That should help keep RPG-7s out of Mexico…

  5. Lyle Says:

    How much of that ten mil, do you figure will end up in the hands of the narco-mobs?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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