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They only have two states left

Brady Camp fears losing Illinois to concealed carry laws.

3 Responses to “They only have two states left”

  1. JJR Says:

    The day I can legally CCW in Chicago will be the day I’d actually consider taking a job there/moving there. Not before.

  2. Chas Says:

    “Dangerous legislation, HB 245, that would force our police to allow virtually anyone to carry loaded, hidden guns in public, including restaurants where alcohol is served, public parks, daycare centers and on city buses…”

    Yeah, the danger is that it might reduce the availability of public slaughterhouses where potential victims have been disarmed, thus reducing the success rate of any mass murderer or the inclination of any would-be mass murderer, thereby reducing the national body count that the Brady Center relies on for its fundraising efforts.
    They know exactly what’s going to happen in Illinois if CCW passes because they know what happened in 38 freakin’ other states! Crime will go down. Still they mislead, so that they can raise more blood money.

  3. Bobby Says:

    Man, i cant wait till im allowed to carry all over restaurants where alcohol is served, public parks, daycare centers and on city buses.

    Heavy on the daycare centers.

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