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So, what are the odds: This remarkable picture shows how two bullets from opposing troops fused after striking each other in mid-air.

7 Responses to “Longshot”

  1. anon Says:

    It would seem the odds are pretty good; There’s a similar pair of bullets in the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond VA.

  2. thirdpower Says:

    They actually covered that on Mythbusters once.

  3. Tomcatshanger Says:

    A. I’ve seen lots of paintballs collide in flight. Bullets aren’t that much different when looked at as objects in motion along opposing flight paths.

    B. There’s nothing saying they collided in the air. Lots of .45 ACP projectiles end up on top of the ground at gun ranges, these projectiles have similar velocity, there’s no reason to think some wouldn’t end up on the ground as well.

  4. Huck Says:

    I saw something like that at the Richmond National Battlefield museum. I think the bullets were found at Cold Harbor battlefield.

    I saw or read somewhere a long time ago where there was a Civil War rifle musket where a bullet entered the muzzle and collided with the bullet that had just been fired. Talk about real long odds!

  5. Alan Says:

    There’s one like that on display in the museum at Gettysburg too. I guess if you fire enough bullets at each other sooner or later two will meet.

  6. Eagle 1 Says:

    There was a report by Ernie Pyle (I think) during WW2 where a round from an American tank entered the barrel of a Germa tank, hit the round that the German had just fired and blew up the barrel when they both exploded.

    Eagle 1

  7. straightarrow Says:

    Eagle, also happened at Tarawa when a Japanese arty round went down the tube of a Sherman medium tank and turned it into a machine gun platform, and just protection for advancing Marines. Also, it was either Tarawa or Iwo Jima (can’t remember for sure and don’t want to read all my histories again tonight) that two bullets an American .30-06 and a Jap 6.5 were found welded together in perfect axial alignment on the battlefield after the island was secured.

    Shit happens, the more shit, the more it happens.

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