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And now, a word for our sponsors

On the right, you’ll notice an ad for Bison Armory. They provide 6.8 SPC AR-15 barrels, components, and complete uppers. They have a blog here. It’s run by a fellow blogger and you can see a sample product here.

4 Responses to “And now, a word for our sponsors”

  1. _Jon Says:

    I’m sorry boss, but I use AdBlock Plus with Firefox.
    I don’t see any ads, anywhere.

    But I did click on both links, just to send them some traffic.

  2. DirtCrashr Says:

    Me too. They have nice stuff – and I notice a comment-question to which I am late replying…

  3. knot Says:

    I get a blank page that says ‘sector 7g systems’.


    The product looks nice on carnaby fudge though. Now if he would just start making some reasonably priced 6.8 spc ammunition. Apparently the 6.8 brass requires unicorn hoof extract with tincture of honest democrat.

  4. Jim W Says:

    Firefox/Adblock plus here too.

    Also, I am looking for a job at the moment, so I’m thinking that 6.8SPC uppers are not on the menu for a while.


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