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Why Liberals Should Support the Right to Armed Self-Defense

Because of all the conservatives.

I agree they should support armed self-defense. But I don’t think it’s because are going to go nuts. People just go nuts and their motivation is an excuse or justification for it. No one cares about the political affiliation of Cho because it didn’t come up. And, of course, there are plenty of incidents of left wing violence being perpetrated as well (Bill Ayers, whacky animal rights loons, environmental terrorists, etc.). I guess your conservative sorts of loonies tend to be more the lone gunmen while the lefty lunatics act in groups. Like that’s shocking.

8 Responses to “Why Liberals Should Support the Right to Armed Self-Defense”

  1. JJR Says:

    “I guess your conservative sorts of loonies tend to be more the lone gunmen while the lefty lunatics act in groups.”

    So footage of KKK rallies is all optical illusions with smoke and mirrors and it’s only one dude? Now that’s high tech, I tell ya!

  2. SayUncle Says:

    True. BUt I’m not talking about rallies.

  3. Mikee Says:

    When the KKK was a strong political and social force, instead of “teh stupid” it is now (and has been for 20 years or more) the Democrats were in power in the states in which it flourished. Democrat government officials winked at their flag burning shenanigans and elected Democrat sheriffs could never find the participants in the lynchings. These clowns never were and never will be conservatives, they were and are totalitarian thugs, terrorists affecting political policy and civil life through threats and violence.

    To say that KKK members, then or now, are somehow equivalent, morally or politically, with social or political conservatives ranging from Barry Goldwater to Ronald Reagan to Pope John Paul II to Rush Limbaugh to my mother and father is a slur and a slander, and to repeat it after this warning will be considered “fighting words” by me and mine.

    Of such illogical and just plain wrong moral equivalents are “liberal fascist” arguments made. STOP IT NOW.

  4. Matt Groom Says:

    Seung-Hui Cho was an English major, which is code for “Marxist”. The VT english department released a group letter condeming the United States and western culture for Cho’s actions after the shooting. I’m actually at a loss to think of a mass shooting that was conducted by a “moderate”, independent, libertarian, or conservative and that includes many of the abortion clinic shooters. I would like to see examples of right-of-center mass murderers, because as far as I can tell, it’s a leftist phenomenon.

    P.S. Cho used low-cap mags in his Glock 19.

  5. John H. Says:

    Matt – the OK City bombing. There’s a lot of bull in the image of McVeigh painted by the press, but it seems – and I believe – that he had nominally libertarian principles. By all means, those were violated, however, he was something approximating a libertarian.

    Also a bit of an idiot.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    JJR, your stupid is showing.

  7. Britt Says:

    Yeah, OKC….

    Not like there was any provocation there. No sir. That was a random act of terror, not in response to any abuse or act of violence committed by the government.

  8. Kirk Parker Says:


    If McVeigh had targetted Janet Reno, or the AFT or FBI commanders on the ground, he still would have deserved the death penalty, but at least you could have seen the connection between his actions and his complaint. But all those folks at OKC? Sure smells like terrorism to me.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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