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Before, I’ve noted ATF attempting to regulate model rocketry. Looks like the evil rocketry association must be stepping in since ATF just had their wrists slapped.

3 Responses to “Rocketry”

  1. Jeff Says:

    That’s good news. Up until a few years ago my son and I flew rockets with the Music City Missle Club. Back then, all kinds of worries with the ATF showing up at a launch and finding dealers out of compliance. Also motors having to be stored in an approved container, like explosives (which they are not).
    So good stuff. Maybe the prices on AP motors will come down.

  2. Chris Byrne Says:

    Actually, forget a wrist slap, that’s just the latest one. About fice years back the Supreme Court BEAT THE EVER LIVING HELL out of the ATF for their ridiculous attempts to control rocketry.

    Basically they stomped them in the nads repeatedly and said “bad dog, don’t do that again”.

  3. Kristopher Says:

    The SCOTUS has had a hard-on for the BATF, ever since one of those retards tried to dictate law interpretation to that court during the Thompson Center case.

    Watching them try to appeal this one should prove amusing.

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