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Buy A Gun Day

I am remiss in mentioning that Buy A Gun Day is approaching.

9 Responses to “Buy A Gun Day”

  1. chris Says:

    Does paying off a gun held in layaway count?

  2. retro Says:

    Oooops… I jumped the gun (sorry). I bought (another) XD45 last night. 4″ compact this time.

  3. Ron W Says:

    Ideally, buy-a-gun day should be held on April 19, the real Patriots Day. The hot phase of American Revolution kicked off on that day in 1775 when the empire troops came to disarm the American militia.

    Officialdom has re-assigned it to Sept 11; a day to be remembered for sure, but not for hi-jacking one of the most important days of American History. But like December 15, Bill of Rights Day, officialdom wants to keep us in ignorance of why these days are important.

  4. DirtCarshr Says:

    I might have to sell a gun to buy a gun…

  5. kaveman Says:

    My “Buy a Gun Day” has always been July 4th, but I’ll consider doubling up.

  6. Alcibiades Says:

    It should really be Buy a Gun Year…

  7. Shawn Says:

    I don’t have any money. Just got a scope and filed taxes…

  8. LKP Says:

    I got my refund back at the end of February and became an early buyer. I am the proud new owner of a Beretta 92fs police special. I’ve already put 150 rounds through it. It was smooth.

  9. Aaron's cc: Says:

    The origin of Buy A Gun Day, which I created in 2003, was in the spirit of Ronald Reagan’s quotation about how Democrats treat every day as April 15. The goal was to seize back that day from the evil side of forcible asset seizure to give to the looters. This reminds me, I need to join the Gun Blogs group you maintain according to TTLB. — Aaron ( )
    Please visit and participate in the new

    And yes, I think that as long as the party of Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Kennedy and Emmanuel are in power, any day is good to buy a gun. April 15 is merely the most symbolic day to use to rub their noses in the sanctity of the Second Amendment. There is NOTHING in the Bill of Rights which gives them the power to threaten us with jail to levy taxes which they use for unconstitutional giveaways.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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