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Democrats and guns

Pro-gun Democrats say no to the ban on weapons that look like assault weapons:

Sixty-five House Democrats said Wednesday that they would oppose any attempt by the Obama administration to revive a ban on military-style weapons that President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1994 and President George W. Bush let expire.

The pro-gun Democrats, led by Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., wrote Attorney General Eric Holder that they would “actively oppose any effort to reinstate the 1994 ban, or to pass any similar law.”

Good. More like this please.

Meanwhile, some sympathy for the Brady Bunch, which cannot get any traction.

4 Responses to “Democrats and guns”

  1. Mikee Says:

    Big deal; the problem is there are still over 150 Democrat (and a too-large number of Republican) Representatives who will vote to take away the rights of the individual in this country.

    I cannot be overjoyed that for a moment in time the sane, while outnumbered ~3:1, have enough numbers to temporarily halt the plans of the insane.

  2. Andrew C Says:

    I was thrilled to see my representative’s name on the list. He was also one of the few who voted against the Stimulus bill. If he keeps this up, I think he’s guaranteed to get reelected – amazing, for a democrat in Idaho.

  3. Lyle Says:

    “…President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1994 and President George W. Bush let expire.”

    Uh, just for the record, Bush said he’d sign a reinstatement of the “ban” but Congress didn’t give him the opportunity. It should read;

    “…President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1994 and Congress let expire.”

  4. Speakertweaker Says:

    I would strongly recommend that, while it’s all great that there seems to be enough opposition in Congress to another AWB, everyone who’s happy about that fact read this:

    Oh, and +1, Lyle. If Congress had let it go, Dubya would have signed it, and we’d still be paying $75 for used pre-ban 92 mags.


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