More on Mexico
Alberto Gonzales (you remember him?) advocates a Southern Strategy (RACIST!!!) to keep Mexico secure. Blames the nonexistent gun show loophole.
The other biased Washington paper says that Hezbollah is using the same routes as Mexican drug gangs. Scary, if true.
ATF testified that the case of assault weapons flowing into Mexico was overstated. Now, a few alerts issued by the ATF notes that it’s mostly handguns. Well, yeah, those tend to be preferred by criminals. Hard to store an AK in your shorts.
The administration doesn’t seem to be at all on the same page about the ban on weapons that look like assault weapons.
Not matter how often this canard is dispelled, it’s parroted over and over in the press and by politicians.
You know what would secure Mexico from US guns? Border control. But they’d still have weapons because a lot them (namely the military hardware) is coming from their south.
March 30th, 2009 at 10:06 am
It was parroted yesterday on Fox News, by Juan Williams (no surprise there). None of the so-called conservatives on the “panel” uttered a peep of protest.
March 30th, 2009 at 12:58 pm
Repeat the Big Lie until it becomes believed.
Hmmm, that was a tactic of … oh yeah – The National Socialist Party of Germany, circa 1940- ….
March 30th, 2009 at 3:43 pm
I actually heard my brother give the Mexican Lie as a reason for stricter laws regarding “assault weapons” this weekend, and he is a conservative SWAT officer. This indicates to me that our law enforcement officers are being inundated with these kind of idiotic “reports” complete with all the Brady buzzwords and PSH. Looks like the Big Lie might be getting traction with people besides journalists and liberal police chiefs.
March 31st, 2009 at 1:43 am
a great number of those arms only have to travel from Mexican government armories to a cartel pickup truckbed.
March 31st, 2009 at 1:45 am
FTnuke, man I know he’s your brother, but SWAT officers aren’t selected for their brains. Trust me. I have the same situation.