Archive for March, 2009

March 30, 2009

Kinda like dentists

Five out of six economists agree that the fed caused the housing bubble. Well, duh. Anyone who paid any attention knew that.

Take a break from not scaring white people

On this mandatory volunteerism, over my dead body.

March 28, 2009

Peacable Assembly

Not in Cape Coral:

A tea party to protest government spending and taxing is canceled. Canceled by the government.

Why? They feel too many people could show-up.


Criminals should stop using guns to rob people. After all, someone will just take it from you and shoot you with it.


Only the rights we like.

Need a job advocating stripping people of rights?

Maybe I should apply:


We are now accepting applications for Summer 2009

Join the gun violence prevention movement and learn how to fight the gun lobby on Capitol Hill and inform the nation about the need for stricter gun laws.

Thought he ran as pro-gun?

VA Governor vetoes a bunch of gun bills.

March 27, 2009

Speaking of warm weather

My dad decided, based on my post, that it was a good idea. He came by today and now we’re both sitting on the porch sipping some Evan Williams Single Barrel that he bought. And I have a Rocky Patel Vintage 99 and he has a Gurkha Legend.

World Series of Poker and Guns

From their 2009 rule book on pages 8-9:

Under no circumstances will any logo, slogan or promotional language be permitted that Harrah’s, acting in its sole discretion, determines:


Advertises any non-prescription or non “over the counter” drug, tobacco product, handgun or handgun ammunition;

So, it’s OK to advertise a questionably lawful product like online poker sites, though they do stipulate some convoluted rules to make sure the ads are for free sites. But those free sites go directly to pay sites. But advertising lawful products is forbidden.

Nothing better to do

President and congress to look at the BCS system.

And in Tennessee, important business:

Addressing the scourge of saggy pants.

Every few years, we have a dog and pony show about whether or not the legislature should apologize for slavery. We’re having that now.

Censoring the web bill fails.

Quote of the day


State to comply with law


State Halts Gun Permit Renewals for Felons

Convicted felons may be headed into another run-in with the law if they try to renew their permits to carry handguns.

That’s because the state is now running new background checks.

Kinda sad that one would congratulate the state for doing what it’s supposed to do anyway, I guess.

NRA Regionals

Robert reports.

Lots of videos here.


Belt fed 1911 and AR.

Clinton didn’t get the memo


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is pledging further effort to help Mexico in its anti-drugs campaign.

Mrs Clinton said the use of military-style assault weapons was a particular concern, and she would discuss reimposing a ban on their sale.

A previous US decision to lift a ban on such sales had been a mistake, she told the NBC television network.

Interesting. A commenter notes:

Cam Edwards just quoted Clinton in Mex saying she supported the 1994 AWB but it had an expiration date.

Hearing this I thought hmmmm, did the Mex Murder rate jump in 2004?

turns out yes it did.

2000 14.11
2001 13.94
2002 13.04
2003 17.5

2004 11.1

2005 10.6
2006 10.8

Wheelgun stuff

Les looks at Tuff Products Revolver Quick Strips.

One of the reasons I prefer semi-auto handguns.

Know your enemies

Chuck reads the Brady Campaign emails so you don’t have to.

Hope and Change

Raids of medical marijuana producing facilities continues.

That will teach those potheads.

Pretty Pictures

Of stuff getting shot.

Gun Rights and the Constitution: Was Heller Insignificant?

Dave Kopel address the claim.

Gun Good News Round Up

Kansas House and Senate have passed a right to keep and bear arms constitutional amendment.

Bill to ban private sales defeated in Illinois.

Storage bill defeated in Illinois.

Good. If the anti-gunners can’t get traction in Illinois (even after a couple of highly publicized shootings), I doubt they’ll be effective elsewhere.

Banning guns where black people live

That’s one of the plans in Illinois. Race is pretty much how gun control started in the US.

Chicks and guns

LabRat responds.

In Mass

Safe storage law ruled unconstitutional.

You can have my leafy veggies when you pry them from my cold dead hands

A bill to outlaw gardening?

Update: False alarm. Well, maybe. It is factcheck.

Why we’re not on the gold standard

Because there ain’t that much gold?

We must ban toy guns

For the children.

March 26, 2009

I love the warm weather

It’s ten o’clock in the PM and I am sitting on the back porch sipping bourbon and enjoying a fine Rocky Patel Vintage 1990.

ETA: Speaking of, while I do my Spring cleaning, I like to again prime and season my humidor. Also a good time to replenish your stash. I don’t smoke cigars when it’s cold outside and didn’t notice my supply was light. A quick trip to remedied that.

How about for politicians?


Drug tests for welfare recipients. What a great idea. And I know that being a fair and non-vindictive sort, West Virginia lawmaker Craig Blair will also start demanding drug testing for everyone who receives government handouts — from tax breaks to bailouts to states that take more from the federal tax system than they contribute to it.

I would actually support Bob’s idea because the side effect would be less government spending.

Still more on the Mexican Gun Canard

According to polls, the American people are not buying it:

The poll, which was conducted March 20-23 and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 1.5 percentage points, asked 4,523 likely voters:

“Mexican officials, gun control groups and officials at the Department of Homeland Security claim drug cartels are crossing the U.S. border in order to obtain guns illicitly. Others say that the Mexican drug cartels are equipped with military hardware including grenades, anti-tank missiles and mortars – all weapons that are not available to the American public. Which of the following do you think is the main source for Mexican drug cartel arms?”

Sixty-five percent of voters say that the international black market is the main source for Mexican drug cartel arms; while only 13.5 percent think these arms are coming from U.S. gun stores (3.5 percent think the arms are coming from somewhere else and 18 percent are not sure).

Among voters aged 18-29 years old, one of President Obama’s strongest groups of supporters, 73 percent say international black market, and just six percent say U.S. gun stores (two percent say somewhere else and 19 percent are not sure).

A strong majority of self-described Independent voters (66 percent) also say that the international black market is main source of arms for Mexican drug cartels, and only 12 percent say U.S. gun stores (four percent say somewhere else and 19 percent are not sure).


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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