Archive for March, 2009

March 23, 2009

So, you’re treading on me?

Driving While Conservative.

Chicks and guns

Mrs. Marble goes to the range.

March 22, 2009

Officer Shooting in Cali

The AP:

Three Oakland police officers and a suspect are dead, and another officer is in grave condition, after two related shootings on Saturday, the first after a traffic stop and the second after a massive manhunt ended in gunfire, police said.


Police said the suspect, 27-year-old Lovelle Mixon, of Oakland, fired an assault rifle at officers who came into the building to arrest him.

Assault rifles are illegal in Cali. I’m sure, as with the Alabama shooting, the Brady Camp will be along to blame California’s lax gun laws for the shooting. Oh, wait.

Shooter had an extensive criminal history.

March 21, 2009

Cheap Booze Update

Thanks to comments here, I’ve discovered that Ezra Brooks is also pretty damn good for the money.

Battlestar Galactica Finale

So, if I understand the ending of the show correctly, Bob Dylan is a Cylon?

March 20, 2009

Congress is scaring me

We don’t need no stinking constitution:

The House has voted overwhelmingly to enact an ex post facto fine masquerading as a tax, a bill of attainder, and a taking without just (or even unjust) compensation rolled into one.

This is dangerous, folks.

The Mexican Canard

It keeps coming. Except that it’s not real. Testimony from law enforcement officials concludes that, generally, military hardware is not flowing into Mexico from the United States. We gun nuts have been saying that for years. More testimony here. The experts on the panel do not conclude that more gun control is the answer.

But this canard continues to be parroted by the press and the anti-gunners, but I repeat myself.

Chicks and guns

Lissa takes her handgun carry permit class. It seemed to come with a side of pro-gun indoctrination. I tend to think that instructors should be as matter of fact about gun issues as they can be without all the preachy political stuff. After all, not everyone coming to the class may agree with your politics.

Quote of the day


Society doesn’t need newspapers. What we need is journalism.

Via BB.

ParaUSA LDA Trigger

I concur:

It is quite honestly the best “out of the box” trigger on anything I’ve shot, excluding semi-custom shop guns like S&W’s new Pro Series 1911s, because the actual break of the trigger is incredibly crisp.

I’m a fan of the trigger as well.

Democrats and guns

Pro-gun Democrats say no to the ban on weapons that look like assault weapons:

Sixty-five House Democrats said Wednesday that they would oppose any attempt by the Obama administration to revive a ban on military-style weapons that President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1994 and President George W. Bush let expire.

The pro-gun Democrats, led by Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., wrote Attorney General Eric Holder that they would “actively oppose any effort to reinstate the 1994 ban, or to pass any similar law.”

Good. More like this please.

Meanwhile, some sympathy for the Brady Bunch, which cannot get any traction.


What she said.

Weapon carry permit

Via R. Neal, we learn of HB1801:

As introduced, provides that “handgun carry permit” may be used interchangeably with “weapon carry permit” where applicable, thereby imposing any rights or duties that apply to persons with a handgun carry permit to persons who carry a lawful weapon.

The benefit being that those with carry permits can keep long guns in their vehicle, something currently not allowed in TN. The bill passed the house 82-10.

Guess I don’t need to build that AR pistol after all.

Your Commercial Appeal Update

When they like it, it’s called bipartisanship. When they do not, it’s called a herd mentality.

Buy a gun day

Not only was I remiss in mentioning it but I was also remiss in noting the new website: Buy a gun day.



Yes, the UN. The country club for corrupt dictators and kleptocrats. Sponsors of refuge camp rape, genocide and institutionalized racism. (And I’m being nice here) They want the ability to independently tax.

Firearms Fairness and Affordability Act


Today, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) — the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry — applauded Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, for introducing legislation to rectify a longstanding inequity in the frequency with which firearms and ammunition manufacturers pay a federal excise tax on the products they sell.

The firearms and ammunition excise tax (FAET) is a major source of wildlife conservation funding in the United States. The Firearms Fairness and Affordability Act (S. 632) will allow the firearms and ammunition industry to pay the FAET on a quarterly basis, the same payment schedule on which every other industry supporting conservation pays the federal excise tax. Joining Sen. Baucus in introducing this important bi-partisan legislation were Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID), the current co-chair of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, and five other senators.

Currently firearms and ammunition manufacturers must pay the FAET bi-weekly. This payment schedule forces many manufacturers to borrow money to ensure on-time payment, and industry members spend thousands of man-hours administering the necessary paperwork to successfully complete the bi-weekly tax payments — monies that are due to the federal government long before manufacturers are paid by their customers. This legislation will not lower the amount of conservation dollars collected by the tax.

Good. Now, let’s get rid of the tax since the conservation hippies who tend to benefit from it aren’t typically fans of gun owners.

Popcorn Sutton RIP

Legendary moonshiner takes his own life. He took his life because he couldn’t stand the thought of going to prison. One of my neighbors has about three jars of Popcorn’s goodness.

Sad day.

Gun Porn


Mossberg 590

DoubleStar’s 1911. I like DoubleStar and their parent company J&T Distributing is where I get about 90% of my AR parts.

Boberg XR-9

Kid talk

In the car and they were advertising the local symphony performance of Bollero on the local Vast Right Wing Conspiracy radio show. Got out of the car, me and the kids were walking and could hear some birds. I had the earworm Bollero in my head and started whistling it. Junior looks at me and says “I didn’t know you could speak bird.”

March 19, 2009

Park Carry

Court suspended the ruling, for now:

Today, a federal district court in Washington, D.C. granted anti-gun plaintiffs a temporary restraining order against implementation of the new rule allowing concealed carry in national parks and national wildlife refuges.

Until further notice, individuals cannot legally carry loaded, concealed firearms for personal protection in national parks and wildlife refuges.

The court did grant NRA’s motion to intervene in the cases. Under federal law, NRA is entitled to an immediate appeal, and NRA will exercise that right.

Temporary until the court case resolves.

Clark on Guns

Oh, Wesley, how far you have fallen:

I think we need to re-institute the assault weapons ban in the United States. If people want machine guns, let them join the military.

The assault weapons ban has about as much to do with machine guns as it does with monkeys. Regardless, Clark’s comment sounds familiar for some reason.

NRA Board Interviews

SIH has another with Edie Reynolds.


Traveled most of the day. Hence, the no bloggy. Home now unpacking and relaxing.

March 18, 2009


So, while I was out, DoD decided to end sales of once fired brass to ammo manufacturers, which would put people out of jobs and be seen as a big finger snub of gun owners by the Obama administration. Also while I was gone, a couple of Senators got wind of it and put a stop to it. Thanks to Senator Tester and Senator Baucus.

Man with a gun

Geez, Florida is crawling with them.

Just yesterday, one was at Disney.

One sided

In an Illinois classroom, only one side of the concealed carry debate will be told. Guess which one.

A safety feature that makes a gun less safe

Why I hate magazine safeties:

The problem with a magazine disconnect safety rears its ugly head when you have to dry fire the gun – because you can’t dry fire a gun with a mag disconnect safety unless you stick a magazine in it, the “slide forward/hammer down” step requires additional manipulation of the gun beyond what you’d see with a Glock or 1911.

I concur. I have the hole in my floor to prove it.

Obama and guns

Barack Obama, who likes to tell us he’s not anti-gun when he is, has de-funded the program to arm airline pilots.

Domestic Violence

Study on When a violent marriage ends, is co-parenting possible? Via MadRocektScientist, who asks if Lautenberg would evolve to adjust to this new data?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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