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Like you and me, only better

You know, if I want to be exempt from restrictions on carry, I should just become a Special Deputy:

Knox County Commissioner Greg “Lumpy” Lambert said he wasn’t armed when he confronted a citizen during a public meeting. However, he is one of a small number of elected officials who can carry a gun in the City County Building.


10 News also asked Lambert, who’s been very public about owning a gun, if he carries one to commission meetings.

“It is not my practice,” said Lambert. “I may have inadvertently. I am a bonded deputy through the Sheriff’s Department, so I’m not going to say I’ve never accidentally carried a weapon into the courthouse.”


Lambert said be became a special deputy after he received death threats and became a witness in a murder trial.

So, can I become a special deputy or am I just limited to my handgun carry permit? I mean, not being an elected official and all.

One Response to “Like you and me, only better”

  1. _Jon Says:

    I think I’ve mentioned that before – perhaps it was on Kim’s forum. I expanded the idea to the point that a bunch of people should get together and buy little cottages in the middle of nowhere (as second homes), setup a town, hire a chief of police, then have him deputize every citizen that wants it. It would get the citizens the carry rights we should have in the first place. Setup 50 (57?) of these as a national organization and call it a day.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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