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You’ll soon need a certified handgun carry accountant

The bill to remove the restriction on carrying weapons where alcohol is sold for on-sight consumption is getting silly. The bill has devolved into a ton of silly, near unenforceable, and poorly defined regulations that could make it useless. Such as:

You can’t carry in such an establishment after 11 p.m. Because, I suppose, that’s when guns turn into pumpkins or werewolves or some such.

Bill not applicable to places that only allow those 18 and up. Uh, Ok.

And you can only carry if 60% of sales come from food. So, am I going to have to get an income statement before entering? Is that calculated on an annual, quarterly, or daily basis? I mean, one day it could and the next day not.

As Sean says: So, basically, at the end of all this, we’ll have a bill that allows people to carry weapons in restaurants where 60% of sales come from food, as long as you leave by 11PM, and as long as kids are allowed in the same room. Ummm, yeah, this is a complete waste of time.

Pretty much. For fuck’s sake, carry is binary. Pass a bill or don’t. Putting unenforceable and poorly defined measures on a bill is an invitation to legal trouble.

And, in all likelihood, judging from the restaurant lobby’s reaction, quite a few restaurants will put up signs prohibiting carry anyway.

2 Responses to “You’ll soon need a certified handgun carry accountant”

  1. JJR Says:

    The time constraint is stupid, but otherwise it sounds like Texas’ “51%” rule and it’s up to businesses to post the appropriate signage, either a “51%” sign (or the 3.06 sign). No sign = OK to carry.

    And in Texas you can’t be legally intoxicated and lawfully carry concealed anyway.

  2. Gunstar1 Says:

    Georgia had the same reaction from our state’s restaurant association. The only signs that went up were in the restaurants owned by the people in charge of the restaurant association.

    We have the 51% rule too, but it is part of the legal distintion between a restaurant and a tavern. Their business license on the wall will tell you for sure.

    So you have to go into the place to find out if you can carry into the place.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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