Was it an Assault Weapon?
In Texas, a shooting. Seems some thugs decided to shoot at some guy. Guy grabbed his rifle and returned fire killing one.
In Texas, a shooting. Seems some thugs decided to shoot at some guy. Guy grabbed his rifle and returned fire killing one.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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April 10th, 2009 at 10:32 am
And that is a perfect example why you carry an AR under the back bench so you can take out thugs in a moving vehicle 200 yards away. This shootist seems to practice the art of the rifle.
April 10th, 2009 at 3:34 pm
Don’t you just love a happy ending?? 🙂
April 10th, 2009 at 6:14 pm
No, it was probably one of those High-Powered Tactical Sniper Rifles, which the gun nuts insist on calling “hunting” rifles.
The ought to be banned, FOR THE CHILDREN!!!
While on the topic: Is the young gang member who died going to be added to the roll of “children” who were “felled by guns”?
April 10th, 2009 at 6:53 pm
I will bet those who were shot are black. The reason I say this is because once they exited the freeway and the truck driver had time to stop, retrieve a rifle and look over the guardrail and they were now on a different road, if they had been any color other than black the truck driver would be facing murder charges because he was no longer in danger once the punks turned off. Until he re-ignited the situation.
I don’t agree with that, but we have all seen it happen numerous times. I personally believe if someone shoots at you, you have a duty, if able, to run them to ground and put them down. Just because they didn’t get you intitially doesn’t mean they won’t be successful with the young lady on her way home from work or the the teenager flirting with the girl outside the pizza parlor, etc.
I would like to see a “run ’em down” law, not just “no retreat” or “castle” laws. If we truly want a peaceful society, bad guys have to learn this ain’t “ollie, ollie, oxen free”. there is no home free base once you attack someone.
Nevertheless, I expect that if I am correct and the dead kid is black (which is why I think at this point no charges have been filed) the political protests of local black orgs. will cause the filing of charges eventually.
April 10th, 2009 at 9:20 pm
Whether or not the situation was “over” once the criminals had left after the first shooting, depends on the level of civil responsibility you assume. You just got shot at, possibly fatally, by a car full of punks totally at random. What was to say the next car load of people they shot at would be as fortunate as to be missed? You’re right there and you’re armed, do you stop them? Let them go and call the law, who will take 10-20 minutes to dispatch a cruiser out to even the general area…
April 11th, 2009 at 1:49 am
Given the story it is unclear what the tactical layout was. I doubt it was a ‘sniper rifle’ which I classify as sub-MOA which can only come from a bolt action. I image after shots have been fired the shooter thought they were fair game. A mag of 28 is more than enough to take down a school bus of thugs for an experienced shooter, and he probably way given the follow-up fire. The sound of the bullet rang true with every slow and steady squeeze of the trigger is seems. At that range your mind acknowledges the hit and allows you to move the next target before you hear hit confirmation – if you’re good.
April 11th, 2009 at 9:33 am
Houston is a very strange place,especially on the roads late at night. Dallas likewise. Be polite out there, be kind to others, have a plan to respond in a self-preserving manner if others are not polite and kind to you.
April 12th, 2009 at 8:30 pm
DrStrangegun, isn’t that what I said?????? What part was hard for you to understand?
The main point I was trying to make is that there is way too much discretion allowed the authorities in situations such as this. If you get shot at, the initial shooter should be paid for if you can put him down, no charges, no lawsuits. Having some familiarity with the area where this happened, I can assure you if those were white kids the truck driver would have been charged because “the threat was over”. I never said it was right. I just said it was.