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Quote of the day

Joe Huffman on freedom from fear as the cornerstone of personal freedom:

But what really pissed me off was I realized his “personal philosophy”, even completely disregarding the gun issue, is justification for genocide. And he is hypocritical about it. He believes people have a right to life but not the right to have tools to defend their lives.

Ya know, this freedom from fear is similar to this supposed right not to be offended.

2 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Mikee Says:

    My rights used to stop where my fist met a nose.

    Now my rights can envelop you in a molasses-like goo of restrictions, based not on what you do, or say, or think, but on what I feel.

    I think rights may have to re-extend to noses to straighten this out.

  2. Joe Huffman Says:

    Sean, in the comments to my post, said it best:

    ‘”Freedom from fear” and “freedom from want”, two of Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms, are insidious positive rights. They are provably incompatible with liberty.

    Give the government the enough power to assauge James’s fear and I will fear that government.

    Give the government the economic power to sate the wants of the laziest among us, and I guarantee that someone else’s wants will not be met. The economy will never reach the desired equilibrium and the thermodynamic losses of the effort will impoverish all.’

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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