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But I thought dissent was patriotic?

DHS issues reports on the dangers of right wing extremism. And veterans, of course, are right wing extremists.

8 Responses to “But I thought dissent was patriotic?”

  1. DADvocate Says:

    Looks like anyone who doesn’t fully agree with the administration’s views are “hate-oriented.”

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Why does that last sentance get me grinning?

  3. Matt Groom Says:

    I’ve been saying that the Federal government is the true enemy of the American people since I was about 14, so I’m not especially frightened by the fact that they now openly AGREE with me.

  4. ATL Says:

    It’s actually Obama’s official enemies list.

  5. Chas Says:

    I’ll have to contact the DHS. Maybe I can get a certificate, suitable for framing, that says I’m a Rightwing Extremist. If they don’t have certificates, maybe I can just get a letter attesting to my extreme rightwingery and my rightwing extremism on official Department of Homeland Security letterhead. That should look impressive! Then I could frame that. I hope they don’t charge for it; I pay enough in taxes. I could hang it on the wall next to a picture of an angry looking Obama with a scowl of disapproval on his face. That’ll impress my friends!
    I can hear me telling them now, “Oh yeah! I’m not just a rightwing extremist, I’m an officially government certified, rightwing extremist and I have the official government certificate to prove it!”
    That would be so cool! I would be the very image of a modern, major extremist!

  6. Rabbit Says:

    This morning, Texas Governor Rick Perry officially joined the list.

    AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry joined state Rep. Brandon Creighton and sponsors of House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 50 in support of states’ rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

    Texas Forever.


  7. Lyle Says:

    Dissent is very patriotic. You however are using the English definition, whereas the Leftspeak definition is quite defferent.

  8. Guav Says:

    But I thought dissent made someone an anti-American traitor?

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