Ammo For Sale

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For sale is valued at $193,267. Per this site.

For comparison, Insty is worth $3,287,686.

Theoretical dollars, of course.

Ok, then.

15 Responses to “For sale”

  1. Sebastian-PGP Says:

    Sounds like I need to start advertising…I’m only worth a few thousand.

  2. Robb Allen Says:

    I tried it with my blog.

    It told me I owed them money…

  3. Mikee Says:

    I don’t blog, but I comment every once in a while. Can the linked website calculate royalties for me from your blogs for my comments? NO! Well, never mind then!

  4. nk Says:

    So a boy asks his daddy, “Daddy, what does theoretically mean?” Daddy says, “Go ask your sister if she would have sex with Robert Redford for a million dollars”. The boy comes back and says, “She said, for a million dollars, sure she would”. Daddy says, “Now go and ask your mother the same thing”. The boy comes back and says, “Mom said, for a million dollars, yes she would”. Daddy says, “Son, theoretically we have two million dollars. Realistically, we have two whores in the house.”

  5. J T Bolt Says:

    I’ll give ya a buck thirty five for it.

  6. ben Says:

    Carnaby Fudge is worth a whopping $64.

    Bison Armory, which actually generates revenue, is apparently only worth $63.

    Thpppt 😛

  7. Joe Huffman Says:

    Yeah, really good estimates there. is worth $172,907. 90% of the value of with 1/5th the traffic? Yeah, right.

    I’m ready to sell, anyone have their checkbook handy?

  8. Nomen Nescio Says:

    P.Z. Myers, one of my daily reads, is apparently worth $4,162,405.

    my own LJ, that maybe three people in the world knows exists (no, it’s not tied to “nomen nescio”, and no, i’m not telling you what it is) tallies up north of five mill. flatly ridiculous, in other words.

  9. USCitizen Says:

    I’d buy for $250K (and include Traction Control) to a third party for $320,000 – subject to closing the third party sale.

  10. Linoge Says:


    Hell, I could be bought out for that.

  11. countertop Says:

    Cool. $35,005 – and only 8 posts with basically zero traffic in the last month. Is a bargain – at twice the price. Anyone wnt to buy it . . . . and 5 years of archived posts??

  12. Cargosquid Says:

    Insty is going up hourly. 11:00 pm EST


  13. Manish Says:

    $358..not bad for a site that isn’t even up anymore.

  14. Jay G. Says:

    $73. That’s about, what, two boxes of .45 ACP these days?

  15. Kellene Says:

    Impressive Uncle and Joe Huffman!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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