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Lies or ignorance?

Regardless, they call it Raw Story because it’s never well done:

Seven million people have applied for criminal background checks since November in an effort to buy guns, according to the FBI. That figure doesn’t include Virginia, whose gun shows don’t require any background checks.

Uh, wrong.

2 Responses to “Lies or ignorance?”

  1. Matt Groom Says:

    My father told me once “You should never attribute to malice that which can be explained by incompetence or stupidity”. So, in the case of journalists, it should be assumed that they are stupid and/or ignorant, but not liars as a matter of practice.

    Then again, there are exceptions to every rule.

  2. Wolfwood Says:

    I knew it! Remind me to go back to those scumbags and get my $2 back! Lousy nickel-and-diming two-bit punks…

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