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In TN, the liquor store lobby wins. No wine in grocery stores this year.

5 Responses to “Winers”

  1. Gregory Morris Says:

    Hah! West Virginia got higher-alcohol-content beer this legislative session 🙂

  2. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    I continue to be amazed, every time the Army sends me to a new state, that California, so nannyist on everything else, is probably the freest when it comes to sales of alcohol.

    I remember the Safeway where we did most of our grocery shopping in college having an entire aisle devoted not just to beer, not just wine, but even hard alcohol.

    Nothing super good, but I could pick up Jack, Jose, and the Captain along with the rest of my groceries.

  3. Mikee Says:

    Freedom to buy shall come sooner or more likely later.

    When I first came to Texas in the early 1980’s they had “Blue Laws” restricting the purchase of not only alcohol but many or most non-food items, before noon on Sunday.

    At about 0900 one Sunday I was in a grocery store line behind a harried-looking woman with a crying infant in her arms and a pack of Pampers as her only item. The teenaged clerk started his spiel about the law forbidding him to sell non-food items before noon. The woman held up a hand and in a remarkably calm voice stated that the Pampers were going to be sold to her right now, or they would become food in that he would eat the entire package, with her help. He thought for about 0.5 seconds and rang up the sale.

    Of such incidents are changes to the law made.

  4. Nick Says:

    This is just pathetic.

  5. tgirsch Says:

    I’ll be in favor of lifting the ban on wine sales in liquor stores once they life the ban on liquor stores selling things that the grocery stores can sell. Let the liquor stores start selling more beer, for example (right now, they’re limited to imported specialty beers), and beer/liquor accessories. Not sure if it’s just Memphis or if it’s statewide, but liquor stores here aren’t allowed to sell corkscrews, for example.

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