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So desperate they pull a Godwin

At Pith in the Wind, we’re accustomed to Jeff Woods’ inability to string two complex thoughts together and overall lack of general mental functioning. And we know they spend their time soiling their pretty panties because Republicans run the legislature in the state now. But they’ve reached a new level of stupid. Now, we have Pete Kotz stating that the Aryan Nation, which is having trouble getting new members, should try a bit of recruitment at the TN Legislative Plaza. The reason is because some legislators aren’t buying on to the token gesture of apologizing for slavery that does nothing but lead to political posturing.

Classy, eh?

6 Responses to “So desperate they pull a Godwin”

  1. karrde Says:

    It always disturbs me to see people assume that slavery (specifically, the racial slavery that was practiced by almost all Westerners in North and South America) was a distinctive, United States of America thing.

    That doesn’t excuse the perpretators, but the perpetrators should be doing the apologizing to the enslaved. Not the descendents of the one to the descendents of the other.

  2. Kevin Baker Says:

    “Pith in the Wind” is a helluva name for a blog!

  3. SayUncle Says:

    True. Too bad it’s wasted on that one.

  4. B Smith Says:

    Why MUST I hate President Urkel because he’s black?? Why can’t I just hate him because he’s a Euro-socialist, one-worlder, dissembling asshole?

  5. Huck Says:

    “Why can’t I just hate him because he’s a Euro-socialist, one-worlder, dissembling asshole?”

    You can. Lotsa folks, myself included, do for those very reasons.

  6. Matt Groom Says:

    In most cases, it was probably better to be enslaved in America than it was to be “free” anywhere else. That’s just as true today. I’d rather be stuck in an American prison than be “free” in most parts of the African continent of today. Also, I’m pretty sure that the 13th and 14th amendments were probably the biggest “We’re sorry” statements ever declared, and if there is a reward or special dispensation this side of heaven that’s actually better than American Citizenship for you and all of your descendants, I haven’t heard of it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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