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Clean Up ATF

Some reform advocated from inside the agency. Via David who reminds us that:

I’ve griped about the agency as much as anyone, but the bottom line is there are folks with it who are decent, and folks who are not, and the problem is that the folks who are not get promoted, get into power, and are in positions to shaft those who are decent.

I think we often forget that a lot of ATF agents are gunnies too.

7 Responses to “Clean Up ATF”

  1. Chas Says:

    The basic problem is the unconstitutional laws that ATF enforces. Start with the elimination of the antiquated NFA and then eliminate the federal laws thereafter.
    The Crips and Bloods can’t get guns because of ATF? Is there any criminal loose in America who can’t get a gun because of ATF? The agency’s firearms functions are a waste of taxpayers’ money for which we get the destruction of our freedom with no practical benefit. It’s time to stop teh stupid.

  2. HTownTejas Says:

    The ATF’s origin and overarching purpose is to infringe fundamental human rights. It is an illegitimate agency and it has no place among “free” people.

    As for there being good people inside? Maybe. If so it’s a case of 99% making the rest look bad.

  3. Matt Groom Says:

    The ATF was founded as tax collectors of an unconstitutional tax, and are therefore illegitimate as hell. That said, it is probably necessary to have an ATF to ensure that compliance with things like export laws and ensure certain safety codes are enforced through the industry. I’m sure we could think of some kind of legitimate job they could and may already perform. It’s just their actions as jackbooted, kitten stompin’, gun owner harassing, religious zealot burnin’, partisan political pawns that chaps our hides. That part of the ATF, needs to go and burn in hell.

    Also, in all bureaucracies, the best brightest, most competent people get pushed aside by the cunning, deceptive, manipulative, and corrupt. Always. Doesn’t matter if it’s Cops, or Firemen, or Marines, or IRS agents, the people who are worth a damn will always be the first to leave after the bullshit they have to put up with by incompetent sycophants becomes too intolerable and they realize they will never change that system.

  4. Lyle Says:

    There are some good people there. There are good people in all sorts of agencies– agencies that should never have existed in the first place, and should be shut down ASAP.

    The good people will find productive work and they’ll be successful. The bad ones can sweep floors for a living.

  5. RC Says:

    Regarding the F part of ATF it should be kept intact but completely gutted of all the imbeciles that want to restrict guns and should be transformed into an agency similar to the CMP in mission, promote the modernization and distribution of guns throughout the country.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    The agency itself is founded on the charge of violating the constitution and the citizens of the nation. It should be abolished and all its personnel should never be eligible for hire in law enforcement or security work for the rest of their lives.

  7. Ben G. Says:

    I don’t care if some of them claim to be gunnies. The entire purpose of the BATFE is to figure out how to take peoples’ guns away.

    Screw ’em. ALL of ’em.

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