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Guns on campus

Pro-gun professors in Texas:

Mass public shootings are a horrific feature of modern life. Many of the bloodiest examples of this scourge have occurred on college campuses. As professors, we are particularly sensitive to this danger.

Despite this – no, because of this – we support a bill currently pending in the Texas Legislature that would permit the concealed carrying of firearms on college and university campuses in the state by holders of concealed-handgun permits.

5 Responses to “Guns on campus”

  1. Mikee Says:

    Strange, isn’t it, that when logic, reason and facts are employed in a presentation about the human right to self defense, it is always the anti-gun crowd who lose both the arguments and their composure?

  2. JJR Says:

    As an academic librarian in Texas, I’m really hoping this bill becomes law. I ordered a new (larger) smart carry holster in anticipation…better option than an IWB in a workplace setting.

    I’m glad these professors weighed in, it will help. Too many academics are simply naive/cluess when it comes to the realities of self-defense, especially the Nursing school faculty in my institution.

  3. Chas Says:

    Mass self-defense failures are a horrific feature of modern life. Ironically, the people who complain the loudest are the ones who are most determined to keep it that way.

  4. GrumpyUnk Says:

    Very encouraging to see these guys take this on. Well written. I hope this is a trend.

  5. Matt Groom Says:

    It’s almost enough to make me want to go to finish college… but in Texas.

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