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Confederacy of dunces


“Mary Norman, president of Auburn Heritage Association, said she was at her family’s burial plot in Pine Hill Cemetery when Councilman Arthur Dowdell removed the small Confederate flag from her great-grandfather’s grave Thursday afternoon.

“He pulled up the flag, snapped it in two and put it in his car,” said Norman, who is white.”


Sarasota teen shot over Confederate apparel, police say

7 Responses to “Confederacy of dunces”

  1. Huck Says:

    I’d be sueing a city councilman for defacing my great, great, grandfather’s grave.

  2. karrde Says:

    For pedantic purposes…

    Was the Confederate flag in the story the “Stars and Bars” flag? (If so, with 7, 9, 11, or 13 stars?) Or was it the “Stainless Banner”?

    We gotta know.

    I’ll put my bet on the popular “Battle Flag”, which was never an official flag of the Confed. States of America, but was used often in battle…

    And how a piece of cloth is “snapped in two” is a complete mystery.

  3. JJR Says:

    I assume she means he snapped the flag’s staff in two. Probably it was the “Battle Flag”, since fewer people (outside of the South) really recognize the real “Stars & bars”.

    Slightly off-topic; I wore my Gonzales Flag T-shirt to a local music festival and had to explain its origins to one of the vendors, and I’m not even a Texas native and she was…she thanked me for informing her of this bit of Texas history.

    I’m not a big fan of Confederate nostalgia or displaying the battle flag (my family’s from Missouri originally and we had combatants on both sides), but doing that to someone’s relative’s grave is just rude and disrespectful in the extreme.

  4. Robert Says:

    Sue the haters!

  5. Matt Groom Says:

    I do believe that if you did that (defaming a veterans grave) where I come from, you’d get your ass kicked.

  6. straightarrow Says:

    get your ass killed in some places.

  7. dave Says:

    And rightfully so.

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