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ZOMG!!!11one! we’re all gonna die

So, this week’s killer of all people is swine flu. So, you know, go buy some Tamiflu or something.

11 Responses to “ZOMG!!!11one! we’re all gonna die”

  1. Thibodeaux Says:

    How long before we’re told that the flu epidemic in Mexico is caused by animals bought at US livestock shows?

  2. Huck Says:

    “How long before we’re told that the flu epidemic in Mexico is caused by animals bought at US livestock shows?”

    Hell, they blame us for everything else that’s screwed up in their screwed up country. I would’nt be surprised.

  3. D2k Says:

    according to the CDC’s official swine flu FAQ it is amantadine and rimantadine resistant.
    according to some recent reports most new H1N1 strains are oseltamivir (tamiflu) resistant.
    so make sure you get zanamivir (relenza).

  4. BobG Says:

    Is this the part where we blame it on Bush?

  5. Lyle Says:

    Shit! I’m still totally occupied being terrified of DDT, cyclamates, Love Canal, 100 MPG carburetor technology being suppressed by the oil companies, PCBs, dioxin, nuclear power (or nuke-YA-ler as it is now pronounced. thanks, Bush, you fuck), the proper pronunciation of “nuke-YA-ler”, fatty foods, food colorings, preservatives, loggers, mining, tuna, poison grapes, poison Tylanol capsules, child labor sweatshops, second-hand smoke, first-hand smoke, AIDS, cattle farts, deforestation, soil erosion, mass-extinction, mad cow disease, SARS, avian flu, Y2K, 9/11, 9/11 conspiracies, Big Box stores, Aruba rape, America’s global reputation, tomatoes, peppers, peanut butter, pistachios, global cooling, global warming, running out of oil, oil companies, Napster, Republicans, climate change, my shadow, militia, corporations, guns, torture and liberty.

    And now this? It’s just too much. I can’t be afraid of anything anymore– it’s just too much damned work keeping track of it all.

  6. Lyle Says:

    I forgot to be afraid of the clubbing of baby seals, and those plastic beverage can retainers that strangle the shit out of wildlife like there’s no tomorrow (how many of you made sure to cut them up so, you know, in the landfill, they wouldn’t strangle sea turtles or smoe shit?).

  7. Matt Says:

    I knew those gas masks I bought for the next terrorist attack would come in handy! Sure, I’ll get funny looks at work but that is the price I’ll pay to save myself from the “ZOMG! We’re all gonna die!” swine flu.

  8. John Hardin Says:

    Lyle: Just be afraid of _everything_. Then you don’t have to keep track. Omniphobia.

  9. Matt Groom Says:

    I think it’s ironic that the most recent overblown, paranoid, news-cycle-driven panics, both Swine Flu AND Drug Cartel wars with American guns, would both have been completely and utterly defeated by proper border security. OH! But that wouldn’t be fair to the poor Mexicans! Boo-hoo!

  10. Lyle Says:

    Omniphobia; I like it. That does make things easier. Lets hand over more power and money to the politicians based on fear of…everything. But wait; what do we do if we’re afraid of an over-reaching government, which, being omniphobic, is a certainty? Crap!

    I’d be omniphobic, but the mere thought of it is too frightening.

  11. dave Says:

    So do I take the medicine or give it to my pigs?

    /har har

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