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McCarthy to introduce assault weapons ban

Next week. Claims it’s a test for Gillibrand, who, despite an NRA A rating, has been a disappointment to gun owners.

3 Responses to “McCarthy to introduce assault weapons ban”

  1. Chas Says:

    At this point, it looks like anyone who still believes that Gillibrand hasn’t gone over to the enemy is still in denial.

  2. Matt Groom Says:

    Anyone who believes the Caroline McCarthy isn’t going to get her bottom spanked by Pelosi for pushing something as stupid as this hasn’t been paying attention. This probably won’t even get out of committee, and it shows just how low down on the food chain McCarthy is.

    If this is a test for Gillibrand, she will fail. This is good news for us, because the last thing we need is A-rated anti-gunners who’ve never been tested sitting in high office.

  3. Sebastian Says:

    How does McCarthy expect Gillibrand, who is a Senator, to sign on to McCarthy’s bill, which is in the House? Unless there’s an identical Senate bill that’s going to be introduced. But I thought DiFi swore that off for now?

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