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Second Amendment Blog Bash Happy Hour


Second Amendment Blog Bash attendees are welcome to join’s Michael Bane, Tactical Solutions, and Insight Tech Gear for a special Happy Hour at Majerle’s Sports Grill on Friday night.

5 Responses to “Second Amendment Blog Bash Happy Hour”

  1. Caleb Says:

    Oh man TacSol they make that .22 LR upper for the STI 2011 frame. I need to excuse myself.

  2. Rustmeister Says:

    Dangit, I wish I was going now.

    The drinks always taste better when Michael’s buying. =)

    Is he buying this time, or did we put him off that last year?

  3. ExurbanKevin Says:

    Between that and the Thursday night get-together at Friday’s Front Row, it’ll be a weekend to remember (but I’m not sure I will…).

  4. David, Chandler, AZ Says:

    Hell, I’d be happy to buy Michael’s. Should be fun.

  5. HardCorps Says:

    Why wasn’t David and Mike invited 🙁

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