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Three years

Today is the Second’s third birthday. Wow. Where does the time go?

6 Responses to “Three years”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Wow. Seems like only yesterday you were bringing #2 home…

    Happy Birthday to the youngest member of the Uncle clan!

  2. Mikee Says:

    Take lotsa pictures, they move faster and faster as they age and the ones from childhood may be the least blurry….

    Congratulations. Three is an age when they can really do things with you. Enjoy.

  3. ATLien Says:

    Time goes into backpacks, space goes into mason jars.

    now you know 😉

  4. _Jon Says:

    Time is a constraint created by our minds to allow us to grasp events in a continuum, rather than instantaneously.

    We all agreed when we created this physical existence that Time would be a constant, but that the experience of time would be relative.

    Have a nice day.
    (‘day’ being an arbitrary measurement of the previously described ‘Time’.)

  5. Joe Huffman Says:

    When our first was born Mom gave Barb and I the advice others gave her when I was born, “Enjoy them as much as you can because the time will go by much faster than you realize.”

    I sometimes look at pictures of the kids when they were pre-teens (the youngest is now 20 and getting married next month) and tears well up because I want to hug that kid–who doesn’t exist anymore. I still cherish the time I spend with my kids and give them hugs but I do still miss the little ones I used to have.

  6. _Jon Says:

    Oh, and keep in mind that we bring kids into our existence young and fun-seeking so as to remind us that *our* purpose here is to be fun-seeking beings.

    Then we screw it all up by trying to ‘socialize’ them…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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