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Wanda Sykes wants Rush Limbaugh’s kidneys to fail; just like Wanda Sykes’ TV shows

Ya know, Wanda Sykes is usually funny. I liked her shows. They were funny. Unfortunately, I was one of the only people who thought that. But the kidney and terrorist jokes were not funny.

And the truth in a joke: Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me.

While we’re discussing things easy to make fun of, I don’t understand why it’s a big deal for Obama to put Dijon mustard on a burger. Nor why people are getting bent out of shape for mocking the mustard.

16 Responses to “Wanda Sykes wants Rush Limbaugh’s kidneys to fail; just like Wanda Sykes’ TV shows”

  1. Standard Mischief Says:

    Every piddling mustard-only negative news story is one more time they can do the “lapdog media” spin-for-obama thing without appearing too biased.

    How many mainstream media stories did you hear criticizing the newspeak term “stress test”? Is the Mainstream Media ever going to critically cover the auditing of public-held banks?

  2. Harold Says:

    The “big deal” is that the MSM edited out of their video/audio his asking for the mustard. The lessor deal is that at an event to show that he and Biden were Regular Guys (eating $7 hamburgers…) he blew it by asking for Grey Poupon. Then again, he can mostly get away with that and a zillion other gaffes because as he said at the White House Correspondents Dinner, “Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me.”

  3. Tennessee Budd Says:

    I knew the MSM were out of touch, but I actually heard some libs bitching that Obumble’s $5 tip wasn’t enough. Hey, when I buy a burger, it’s usually 99 cents, & I don’t tip at all. $5 for a $7 burger is way more than I’d leave. Maybe he got the money from Geithner.

  4. JKB Says:

    Well, it was the mustard coverup that is the problem. Although, apparently how you condiment a burger is like religion, just not something you discuss at the dinner table.

    The more scandalous issue and possibly the mustard was used to cover it up is how slow Obama orders. Jon Stewart even made fun of the One, highlighting that in NYC, he would have gotten “feedback” from those in line. Really, keep ordering like that and people will start hating Obama. It was pretty funny stuff for Stewart these days.

    The slooow ordering starts at about 2 min in on this video clip

  5. Mikee Says:

    Kerry had a cheese steak faux pas in Philly, trying to get one with Swiss cheese. Then he meekly accepted one with cheese wiz and took a few dainty bites.

    Bush won out over the Blair House flunky who, the night before the inaugural in 2000, tried to deny him a cheeseburger. GW pointed to himself and said “Bush. Texas. Cheeseburger.” The flunky got the message and then got the cheeseburger.

    Obama asked for and (as far as has been reported) got his Dijon mustard. He likes Dijon, and has a record of asking for it time and time again. Who does he look more like, feckless high falutin’ Kerry or self-willed Bush? I have to give Obama props on this one. He asked for and got what he wanted, spicy mustard.

    Of course, his socialist policies still suck major donkey parts.

  6. ATLien Says:

    I’m a regular guy and I eat $7 hamburgers. But i don’t leave a $5 tip unless the server is cute and she gives me her phone number.

  7. straightarrow Says:

    I don’t like the O, but I’m with Uncle on this. Who gives a damn what mustard he prefers on his sandwich? And don’t those who care have a damn thing else to do?

  8. Gunstar1 Says:

    Again, it is not that Obama ordered dijon mustard that was at issue. I don’t give a crap that Obama likes dijon.

    The MSM did a story based on how Obama is a regular guy becuase he went out and got a burger. Why is that even news? Then the fact that very few Americans use dijon mustard on a burger would contradict their regular guy story so they edited it out.

    It is not Obama’s likes or dislikes that is the issue, it was the MSM reporting of it.

  9. Gunstar1 Says:

    Forgot to add, it is not a big deal to me either… once you’ve seen so many distortions about firearms and politics they start to become the norm and you expect that sort of thing.

  10. Alcibiades Says:

    The Dijon mustard thing came up on the campaign trail as well. He tried to hide it for some strange reason; it’s more about what Obama (and possibly other media/elites) thinks of Americans than anything else.

    Someone on his team thinks Dijon mustard makes Obama out-of-touch with the little guy. Of course, Dijon is sold in most supermarkets, so it’s hardly unavailable to people…

  11. _Jon Says:

    It wasn’t the mustard.
    It was the vicious reaction by the Media of those who commented on it.
    It portends to a mean-spirited retaliation against anyone who makes any kind of comment about The One. That’s scary.

  12. Yu-Ain Gonnano Says:

    “Most of you coveredfor me; all of you voted for me.”

    There, fixed it for you. 🙂

  13. Manish Says:

    It wasn’t the mustard.
    It was the vicious reaction by the Media of those who commented on it.

    ha ha ha. Apparently your choice of burger condiments is what decides if you are a regular guy or not. I guess you prefer regular guys who used to run baseball teams? Or regular guys who were actors? Apparently clearing brush on your massive ranch makes you a regular guy.

    Criticizing a guy’s choice of condiments is just teh stoopid and those that commented on it deserve to be mocked, period.

  14. tam Says:

    So he likes spicy mustard; big deal. I hate that yellow French’s crap, too.

    Believe me, I can find plenty about which to put in the boot without worrying about his taste in condiments.

  15. emdfl Says:

    Actually the press was(and continues to be) covered by obama – in the fullest meaning of the word. As are the rest of us going to be covered by the results of his policies.

  16. emdfl Says:

    And the scripted story of the hamburger is a perfect example of my previous comment. Just gotta wonder which journowhore came up with the idea.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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