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I am a bad Twitterer

I’m so bad, that twitterer is probably not what they’re called.

See, I started a Twitter account. Now, it’s just a re-print of stuff I post here. Nothing more. I don’t even read my own twitter account. Apparently, I have followers on twitter. But I don’t really know what that means. And I don’t follow anyone. Nothing personal but I 1) don’t get twitter; 2) don’t even read my own account; and 3) don’t even know how to follow people or what that’s for. Does that make me a rude twitterer?

Also, it seems that a few of my ‘followers’ are spammers.

Also, can we stop with the articles on how twitter is going to either save media or be the end of it? It’s not that great.

Update: Speaking of articles on twitter saving everyone, here’s one right on cue.

Twitter: blogging for lazy people.

Update: Ok, I’m informed I can track my twitter-fu by this RSS feed. Thanks to bitter.

7 Responses to “I am a bad Twitterer”

  1. Cemetery's Gun Blob Says:

    Just be glad there isn’t any spammers advertising *male enhancement*… least not yet.

  2. worldexaminer Says:

    twitter is better with tweetdeck … now that i’ve finally figured out how to show all ten columns… good potential for local networking.

  3. Bitter Says:

    I second the use of TweetDeck if you ever decide you want to get more into it. I have everything sorted the way I want it so I can prioritize what I read.

  4. Randy Says:

    I use FriendFeed more than twitter, but for many people twitter is replacing RSS feeds, News websites, and here is an article on sixteen ways Twitter is great.

    I know for me I have been able to “speak” to many of my techie heroes via twitter when there is no way I would have ever gotten an email through so it has it’s place. Now in saying that I prefer as it’s more robust than 142 char based twitter.

  5. Alcibiades Says:

    Well, Twitter was supposed to integrate with cell phone text messaging which has a low character limit. Unless you constantly use text messaging, Twitter is useless.

    (Great way to spam, though.)

  6. Steve Says:

    I third TweetDeck! It is great.

    Unc, when you gonna follow me? 😉

  7. Steve Says:

    Bitter, what is your twitter account?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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