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Guns in restaurants

The bill is on its way to being finalized. So, the Commercial Squeal kick up the hysteria:

“I guess we have to wait for someone to shoot someone before legislators change their minds,” said Danny Sumrall, chief manager of the Half Shell restaurant on Poplar.

What about the people being shot now, while it’s illegal to carry where alcohol is served?

Clenched fist salute to MKS.

4 Responses to “Guns in restaurants”

  1. Jake Says:

    The same argument was made here in Georgia around this time last year when the Gen. Ass. passed a similar “guns in restaurants that serve alcohol” bill. Blood in the streets, Wild West scenes over a dropped chicken wing, etc. so on and so forth.

    I challenge the AJC to find me one incident now where a licensed, law-abiding gun owner caused any of the above in the past year or so, just like I’d challenge any of the Tennessee fish wrappers to do so next year after this bill passes…

  2. Huck Says:

    Of course the antis are going to spew the usual “blood in the streets!” rant everytime something they dont like happens, it’s all they have. They certainly DONT have reasoning and facts. Those pesky, annoying facts that interfere with their agenda!

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Why is it none of these dorks realize that the restriction being discussed here doesn’t EXIST in 90% of the country.

    No Blood in the streets in those states…. Hell a few years back a New Hampshire man killed an attacker in an honest-to-god bar with his CCW piece.

    If it saves just one life….

  4. Rivrdog Says:

    CHL holders CAN carry in bars and restaurants serving alcohol in OR, and they may carry in places where liquor is sold by the bottle.

    We don’t have many gunfights in those places, in fact, I’ve heard of only one in the 20 or so years the CHL (shall issue) licensing program has been in effect.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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