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Off to kindergarten

Last night, Junior graduated from pre-school. The ceremony was entertaining and obviously all the kids were excited and anxious. I’ll miss that school; from other kids; to other parents; to the staff; the bye-bye buggy; the little knickknacks, doodles, and artwork she would bring home. Junior learned a lot of stuff there. She’s better off because of that place. In the Fall, she’ll be starting kindergarten. Where does the time go?

7 Responses to “Off to kindergarten”

  1. Dad Says:

    I am sure she was the brightest in the class ( takes after her Papa )

  2. Salamander Says:

    Congratulations Miss Junior! The Newt graduates pre-school tomorrow!

    I hear you on the time thing. We’re taking extra steps this summer to insure we get the most out of our free time together.


  3. George Says:

    My little one graduated from pre-school last week. I cried like a baby. Where does the time go indeed?

  4. Jay G. Says:

    BabyGirl G. is almost finished with her illustrious Kindergarten career. TheBoy is almost done with 2nd grade – next year he gets actual GRADES…

    Cherish. Every. Second.

  5. Manish Says:

    There’s a graduation ceremony for pre-school?

  6. LissaKay Says:

    It truly seems like just yesterday that my baby girl was a wee thing – hard to believe she’s an all grown up 19 year old young woman, planning her wedding and making her own home now. So, yes, the time does indeed fly and the years will disappear before you know it. What Jay said x1000!

  7. straightarrow Says:

    Do not fail to cherish every moment.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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