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Speaking of Cali

Looks like the NRA is suing them again:

The City is being sued by gun owners and gun-advocacy groups because of a local law that says firearms have to be locked up or kept disabled.

Well, Heller pretty much settled that didn’t it.

2 Responses to “Speaking of Cali”

  1. Ian Argent Says:

    In CA this should be a slamdunk. Heller explicitly struck down safe storage, and in Nordyke the 9th applied the 2A to the states…

  2. Xrlq Says:

    I know the “safe” storage requirement was part of the original (Parker) challenge, but I’m pretty sure it was not addressed by the Supremes in Heller. I wouldn’t be surprised if this ordinance were struck down on preemption grounds, though; that’s the one good gun law that Cali has.

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