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Google has a rival

I’m really digging the new search engine Bing.

4 Responses to “Google has a rival”

  1. Tam Says:

    Pphhhtt! It doesn’t recognize my preeminence in the field of Horrible Screaming Death. 😀

  2. Bitter Says:

    I enjoyed on the few searches I used. If they have a Firefox plugin similar to Google’s that I could just tab over to, then I’d probably switch.

  3. ravenshrike Says:

    MS…Google…MS…Google. Both evil, but Google brigs me free music and decent web browsers(which I use for certain types of flash, since my FF is screwy).

  4. John Smith Says:

    That is until you realize that Microsoft just built a new server farm in San Antonio, less than a couple of miles away from the new NSA site.

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