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In tacticalgunfan’s review of the SCAR mentioned before, is this photo:

From Gun Porn

And a caption: The buttstock not only folds, but also collapses (with six lengths available). Also note the two-position cheekrest, which can be raised for use with optics.

They should also mention it makes a really cool boot.

6 Responses to “Footwear”

  1. Boyd Says:

    Hey, is that the shoulder thing that goes up?

  2. JayeRandom Says:

    Then there’s also this:

  3. Adam Says:

    I didn’t know they had Stormtrooper clones in desert tan?!

  4. DirtCrashr Says:

    Yes, but does it come in a heel?

  5. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I gotta say those folding stocks are the most ugly thing I’ve seen on a gun.

    Still the adjustability as well as the cheek piece (try getting a good cheek weld with an M4 stock! or those commie wire stocks) makes me want to make my rifles ugly!

  6. dave Says:

    I half expected the article to read “…also transforms into a battle robot, a la Voltron” judging by the pic. How cool would that be?

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