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Not ruled out

Uh oh: Two passengers on doomed Air France jet had names linked to Islamic terror groups

Don’t read too much into it. People have been on lists before for no reason.

9 Responses to “Not ruled out”

  1. john Says:

    I have to believe that the pilots would have reported via radio if a takeover was in progress.

  2. Justin Buist Says:

    If it was a terrorist plot a group would have already taken credit for it.

  3. Ed Says:

    Justin, there is one way they wouldn’t claim responsibility: the bomb wasn’t supposed to go off on that flight.

    Load a bomb in Brazil by bribing security (probably not too hard to do anywhere in Latin America), check it through to, well, anywhere in Europe, the Middle East or the USA, blow up the second (or later) flight without having to go through first world security. Also, why get Brazil involved in the “contingency operation” or piss off the Brazillian populace?

    As to the names being on the list, could be nothing, but most of the folks mistakenly on the list don’t have their planes fall out of the sky without so much as a “mayday” from the flight crew.

    We may never know, but it is an interesting development.

  4. Jess Says:

    Speculation is the only thing we can do right now. We don’t know what went down as the plane was crashing. This is a good montage of what many news sources are saying though:

  5. Jess Says:

    Oh here’s the link: video

  6. Tam Says:

    If it was a terrorist plot a group would have already taken credit for it.

    So one needs to be part of a “terrorist” group with a “plot” to commit an act of terrorism now?

    That’s a relief…

  7. DirtCrashr Says:

    Maybe it was those Ninjas who got ahold of Carradine.

  8. Billy Beck Says:

    “If it was a terrorist plot a group would have already taken credit for it.”

    Everyone but the perps claimed PanAm 103. That case was broken with real detective work. They don’t always just give themselves up.

  9. Borepatch Says:

    There are a lot of names on the lists. A LOT of names. Some are likely bad apples, but a lot of the data in the data bases is simply garbage.

    Besides Senator Kennedy, Air Marshalls have found themselves on the Do Not Fly list.

    Sure, there are a lot of people that want to do us harm. But so far, this is pretty weak tea. Not necessarily wrong, but weak evidence so far.

    My $0.02 worth, your mileage may vary.

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