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They have investigators?

Did you know that investigators at the library of congress carried guns? Well, they used to but Congress stripped them of that.

4 Responses to “They have investigators?”

  1. SoupOrMan Says:

    Their weapons are suppressed, obviously.

  2. JJR Says:

    I had no idea. I guess I assumed DC’s ridiculously restrictive regulations kept LoC personnel disarmed except at home. Also didn’t know they had their own Investigators. That’s hard-core! I wonder if the investigators have to have an MLS (Master of Library Science) or are they experienced LEOs or what…

  3. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Hey, they could get attacked by a clone of Jean Henri Fabre and a giant mechanical grasshopper. If we don’t give them guns, how are they going to hold out long enough for the Special Operations Division of the British Library can get there?

    (Bonus geek points for anyone who gets the reference)

  4. CTD Says:

    I read somewhere, I think at Radley Balko’s, that something like 400 (IIRC) different federal agencies have armed employees. And yes, a huge number of them were just as ridiculous as the Library of Congress.

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