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A storm

Had a storm yesterday. Our damage wasn’t quite as bad as JRs but we did come home to this:

From Home Life

That’s the kids kiddie pool in the field behind the house. That pool is 4.5 X 9 for scale. Also, apparently darn good quality since it did not pop on it’s journey.

3 Responses to “A storm”

  1. Les Jones Says:

    We lost a perfectly good kiddie pool and chimnea a few years ago when a maple fell on them.

    Did you see pics of the downtown Maryville building that lost its roof yesterday? Yikes.

  2. Ride Fast Says:

    OMG – look at all the missing homes!!!

    WTF – why is the ground green?

  3. Sarah Says:

    We lost our gazebo last year in a similar manner. A microburst in the back yard caused it to sail over our neighbors’ roof and slam onto their front yard (and truck). It did not survive.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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