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Handgun Permit Holder Stops Carjacker

Clearly, she was just compensating for the size of her penis:

About a month ago, Audry Sauceda was carjacked and fought back.

He stuck a gun in my side and told me to get out of the car,” Sauceda said while sharing her story with FOX 13 on May 15. “And I pulled out my gun and stuck it in his face, and told him, he needed to get out. He screamed and jumped out of the car.”

2 Responses to “Handgun Permit Holder Stops Carjacker”

  1. Kristopher Says:

    If I could kill with my penis, I wouldn’t need a revolver.

  2. emdfl Says:

    That probably happened during the rash of car-jackings that was happening in Tampa. Had three or four in a week or something.

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