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Practical Shooting

In Ireland, they’re looking at making it illegal:

Mr Ahern said he was determined to stamp out a practice known as “practical shooting”. His department had monitored with concern “competitions in which people shoot their way through multi-stage target courses based on real life combat scenarios, such as a home invasion or a hostage rescue”.

He said: “This activity is one that seeks to glorify and normalise attitudes to high-powered handguns and promote their use and ownership,” he said. Mr Ahern said “practical shooting” was a “highly undesirable” recent development in Irish shooting sports.

8 Responses to “Practical Shooting”

  1. Mikee Says:

    I wonder if the IRA would sponsor a team….

  2. Matt Groom Says:

    Everybody knows the Irish oppose the use of guns when bombs in pubs work so much better.

    Let’s not forget that the IRA was a Socialist organization originally, and Socialists don’t allow their subjects to own guns.

  3. JJR Says:

    The Irish should know even better than the Brits about the importance of promoting and supporting private gun ownership. (Yes, there were factions of the IRA that were marxist/socialist in orientation, but not all of it, and though I know most regular readers here won’t believe me, not all socialists are anti-gun)

    I wonder if gun controls continued during the Free State era as a concession to the Brits or what…not familiar with that history.

    Ireland today is just as hopeless as Great Britain with respect to gun rights.

  4. Robohobo Says:

    Berty is a creature of the EUropean’s. Of course he will get the vapors publicly about them evil guns. Privately, he wants the public disarmed like any good socialist overlord does.

    Makes me ashamed of my ancestry, sometimes.

  5. Alcibiades Says:

    Well, they did try to invade Canada…

  6. Reputo Says:

    What firearm in the media is not “high powered”?
    Handguns are high powered when compared to rock throwing and airguns.
    Handguns are actually, very low powered firearms. Most only have the muzzle energy that is 1/10th of a rifle. Even handguns that fire rifle cartridges don’t develop the full power of their big brother long guns. The barrel isn’t long enough.
    Just once, I would like to read a news story about medium powered or low powered fire arms that have a slow rate of fire. Is it possible? These firearms must be so rare (since we never hear about them), they should be worth a small to medium fortune!
    I’ve got a 22 revolver for sale, asking price is only $15,000.

  7. Paul Says:

    Maybe it’s just a manifestation of his prejudice but where does he get the idea that practical pistol is “extreme”? It is a well established sport with an international governing body, regional and national championship events, and a fairly long history. Yet this person states in the article that:

    “It’s simply not in the public interest to tolerate the development of a subculture predicated on a shooting activity which by the liberal standards of the US is regarded as an extreme shooting activity.”

    Where in the US is IDPA considered “extreme”?

  8. Chas Says:

    “Rural Ireland isn’t like rural America of the George Bush Republicans, with a chicken in every pot and a gun under every pillow.”

    They don’t want chickens and guns because they hate American Republicans? It is amusing to see other countries engage in the ridiculous behavior of basing their values on their resentment of American success. That was a major factor in the British handgun ban.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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