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Blogs and politics have come a long way

Regarding Lamar Alexander’s inaccurate statements on the guns in national parks bill, Michael Silence and I were having an offline conversation. And I was still telling Michael that the Senator was wrong. And his spokesperson was wrong. Then, Michael quipped:

I just think it’s very cool a US senator has responded to a blogger

You know, that is pretty damn cool. So, hats off to Senator Alexander and his staff. You’re still wrong about the issue but at least you’ll address with bloggers.

3 Responses to “Blogs and politics have come a long way”

  1. Mikee Says:

    Senators, or their staff, respond to individual citizens all the time, blogger or not. I am appalled if anyone considers it OK that a Senator blow off a constituent request for information on the Senator’s votes and opinions. The Senator is our elected representative, not our feudal overlord.

    And when the Senator and his staff blow an answer like the one in the post, getting information wrong several times concerning the matter under legislative change, the Senator needs to be so informed, strongly, until he gets at least his understanding of the law corrected to match reality.

  2. Linoge Says:

    Responding is good, but remaining an obstinant idiot over easily-disprovable fallacies far outweighs that good.

  3. Nylarthotep Says:

    I’m more of the opinion that your blog has traction and has essentially embarrassed him, so that is why you got a discussion of sorts. You obviously have enough of a following in the country and the state that gives you a voice that is not wise to ignore. You and those you link get a say that has political power. Maybe not huge, but big enough to worry some who try to talk in the same areas.

    So, I’d say more of a good for you and keep it up.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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