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Mmmmm, blackberries

Night before last, Junior and I headed to one of the fields near the house to pick blackberries. We should have waited a few days because ripe ones weren’t that easy to find. We’ll be going again soon and I expect more to ripen by, say, Friday. For the record, Junior is the worst blackberry picker in the world. Out of every four she’d pick, one made it to the bucket and three made it to her belly. Then, she carries the bucket on the way back home and eats them on the way. I think her involvement was a net loss in terms of production.

6 Responses to “Mmmmm, blackberries”

  1. Dad Says:

    She picks like her Papa.

  2. Mikee Says:

    She still gets to eat some of the pie, yes?

    Sounds to me like she is maximizing her gain per berry picked. A smart and enterprising profiteer you are raising, there. Downright piratical, in fact. Start her on stock trading asap.

  3. hsoi Says:

    All depends what you’re trying to produce.

    If you’re trying to produce some good time and great memories with Dad and Daughter, I’d say it’s a gain. šŸ™‚

  4. Lyle Says:

    Mikee beat me to it. I was going to say;
    “I think her involvement was a net loss in terms of production.”
    She produced enough, but she disposed of the results of her production in a manner that served her wants, as is right and proper.

  5. straightarrow Says:

    Same problem with my grandchildren, God bless them. We have yet to have a year where we could get enough black berries to the house to make even one jar of jelly.

  6. Bobby Says:

    They grow cell phones?!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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