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You can’t outlaw stupid

Seen at Marko’s:

Massachusetts has a mandatory seatbelt use law.

Massachusetts has a 67% seatbelt use rate.

New Hampshire has no mandatory seat belt law for adults.

New Hampshire has a 69% seatbelt use rate.

5 Responses to “You can’t outlaw stupid”

  1. Matt Groom Says:

    Seat belt laws, like helmet laws, are not about safety, they are about growing the coffers of the state at the expense of personal liberty. Yes, it’s stupid to not wear a seat belt, as it is stupid to not wear a helmet, no matter what the reasoning. But, it is equally stupid to try to legislate morality, or to use the cloak of paternalistic concern to tax people who choose to behave in a reckless manner which causes no harm to anyone but themselves.

  2. mike w. Says:

    I’m amazed that roughly 1/3 of them don’t wear a seatbelt.

  3. Jay G. Says:

    In all fairness, (D) NH Governor Lynch is pushing to have NH changed to a “primary ticket” state, where the cops can pull you over simply for not wearing a seatbelt.

    As it currently stands, MA is a “secondary ticket” state, where the cops have to have another reason to pull you over to give you a seatbelt ticket (i.e. speeding, taillight out, etc.)

  4. Manish Says:

    More on primary vs. secondary here. As I recall, the introduction of mandatory seat belt laws saw a large jump in usage. Now its ubiquitous to wear a seat belt so certainly the laws changing around the country are probably causing a large number of NHers to wear their seat belts…the other question that has to be asked is how many NHers are aware that their state doesn’t have a mandatory seat belt law?

  5. Rivrdog Says:

    Sorry to harsh your mellow, gents, but the reason that MassHoles wear seatbelts less often is that Teddy Kennedy showed them that they have to be able to escape from sunken cars quickly….

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