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Signal Mountain, Brentwood, and Williamson County have all recently passed laws prohibiting the law-abiding permit holder from carrying weapons in parks. The more cities that do this, the more likely it will be that legislators pass a law removing a municipalities’ opt out option.

2 Responses to “Preemption”

  1. countertop Says:

    So are residents of Signal Mountain prevented from carrying on their property? Or are they allowed to carry on their property, but then have to unload and secure their arms when they leave the driveway, and then pull over and re-arm when they drive off the mountain??

  2. mike hollihan Says:

    The Memphis Commercial Appeal has been dutifully noting every community across the state that opts out of restaurant carry and park carry, but it can’t seem to mention Jackson, which voted down a proposed law! And they never mention Mississippi’s castle doctrine, either. Sheesh.

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