registration sets the standards for classification. Registration also is exactly confiscation. Not synonymous with, not leading to, not likely to be, it IS confiscation. It is the inventory of arms to be seized.
Makes no difference where it happens. It happens right now in NZ, big fucking deal, it doesn’t matter where it happens, it is the inventory of weapons to confiscate. Look at California, NYC, Chicago, England (God rest her lost soul), Australia, etc. and etc. ad nauseum.
Classification is a false justification for registration which IS confiscation. Pay fucking attention.
July 14th, 2009 at 6:59 pm
registration sets the standards for classification. Registration also is exactly confiscation. Not synonymous with, not leading to, not likely to be, it IS confiscation. It is the inventory of arms to be seized.
Makes no difference where it happens. It happens right now in NZ, big fucking deal, it doesn’t matter where it happens, it is the inventory of weapons to confiscate. Look at California, NYC, Chicago, England (God rest her lost soul), Australia, etc. and etc. ad nauseum.
Classification is a false justification for registration which IS confiscation. Pay fucking attention.
July 14th, 2009 at 7:02 pm
Last sentence aimed at everybody and nobody in particular.
I am just about out of patience with EVERYBODY. Especially those who have movable lines in the sand.