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Holy Crap

Virgin Mary seen in bird poo.

6 Responses to “Holy Crap”

  1. Flea Says:

    I wonder how long it will be before the windshield is on eBay.

  2. tjbbpgobIII Says:

    Mesicans can see anything in shit can’t they? I wonder why people never see Jesus in anything, why is it always the virgin.

  3. workinwifdakids Says:

    I’ve frequently said, “Oh my God, y’all, come see this!” after I take a dump, but it wasn’t so they could see the Virgin Mary.

  4. Adam Says:

    lol @ the post title. clever.

  5. Shawn Says:


  6. nk Says:

    Not nice.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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