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On the health insurance bill


If the healthcare system proposed by Democrats in Congress is so good, why are they exempting themselves from it while forcing it on the rest of us?

Because they’re better than us.

2 Responses to “On the health insurance bill”

  1. chris Says:

    For the same reason they exempt themselves from FICA (ask Social Security taxes) and grant themselves huge (i.e. getting paid like they are still working) pensions.

    And the Democrats in Congress hadn’t even released a draft of the bill as of yesterday.

    And when they do, some mysterious pressure to pass it without debate and without time to read it will surface (think: the $700 billion TARP bank bailout).

  2. JKB Says:

    It’s not that they’re better than us, it’s just that they don’t want to be left to die. But it is failed logic. With government screening of viable research and treatments, those necessary to save the commissars will not be developed barring some government controlled medical experiments on those under the state’s jackboot.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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