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Liberals and guns

A Kossack: Why do you want my gun?

5 Responses to “Liberals and guns”

  1. JKB Says:

    To the liberals who want my gun:

    Get your own gun!

    No, really, then we can go shooting together with a lot less down time.

  2. ExurbanKevin Says:

    That’s a powerful article and a very good read. Three cheers to “Faceless” for having the courage to post it on DailyKos.

  3. Harold Says:

    But it seems it was too much for the Kossaks: follow the link and you’ll see it was deleted, but not before attracting 220 comments and the following respectful tags:

    troll diary, donut depot, gay hating gun nut diarist, please distribute donuts evenly across all faceless comments, 3 donuts per comment only please

    I’ve seen sane gun discussions on the Democratic Underground, but I gather they are unusual in this area.

  4. Inebriated Arsonist Says:

    It seems that Daily Kos has deleted his article. Too bad, the comments probably would have been good for a laugh.

  5. JJR Says:

    Well written article undeserving of those stupid tags. Too bad for D-Kos.

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